week 7 Reading notes: Japanese Fairy Tales Part B

story source: The Violet Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. ford 1901, The Crimson Fairy Book by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H.J. ford 1903 Japanese Fairy Tales
Image: Stonecutter

Two Frogs Notes:

  • one frog lived near the town of Osaka, on the sea coast
  • the other frog lived near Kioto in a clear little stream
  • they each wanted to see the world and visit the other place
  • on a spring morning, they started the journey on the same road
  • halfway between the two towns, there was a mountain 
  • at the top of the mountain, the two frogs met each other 
  • they each wished to be bigger so they can see the towns and see if it was worth the rest of the trip
  • each frog thought that the other town looked like theirs
  • the frogs parted their ways
  • the two towns were alike as they were different

The Stonecutter Notes

Image result for mountain stonecutter
A Stonecutter 
  • a stonecutter went every day to the side of the mountain and cut out slabs for gravestones or for houses. 
  • a spirit lived in the mountains
  • he delivered a gravestone to a house of a rich man and saw the things in his house and started to think his life would be better if he was rich
  • he heard a voice answer him saying your wish is heard; a rich man you shall be!
  • no one was around him 
  • when he got home his hut was now a palace filled with splendid furniture 
  • he was excited about his new life and soon forgot his old life
  • one day was really hot, he decided to stay home and he saw a prince travel by his new house
  • he then wished to be a prince and wanted a carriage and an umbrella to make him happy
  • the voice answered him again and he was a prince
  • servants ahead and behind him of his carriage and umbrella 
  • he looked around for something more that he could want
  • he wished to be the sun because it was mightier than him
  • the voice turned him to the sun powerful and all 
  • he then wanted to be a cloud when they would cover his face
  • the voice turned him into a cloud, to lay between the sun and the earth 
  • eventually, he wanted to be a mountain strong like stone, then back to being a man because a man could break stone thus he was a stone cutter again and never wished to be anything else again
