Introduction: About Me

Hello! Good Day! Welcome! 

Okay, so for this post as a class we have to introduce ourselves. Starting off I am a student at the University of Oklahoma in beautiful Norman, Ok. My major is in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. To me the coolest thing about my major is it combines history with science, technology, and medicine. I am personally more attracted to the history of medicine as a science. As in what steps historically did we have to go through to get to medicine as we know it as today. Including  modern western medicine and non-western medicine. I am going to be looking into this more, I think, for my senior capstone project this semester. I have been slowly reading a book (I keep putting it on pause for reading for class work) about a first hand account of the discovery of the double helix. 

Enough about school, and more about me. Right now I do not get to read for fun because of school but from what I have read for class work I have particularly enjoyed reading The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf and The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Both of these books were "textbooks" for a History of Science class I took and are both available in the library. Favorite movies include all things Disney and Harry Potter. Yes, I like more movies than just those but I honestly don't feel like trying to list all of them. I can sit and watch movies all day if I could. T.V. shows now that I can list: Grey's Anatomy, Orange is the New Black, Once Upon a Time, How to Get Away with Murder, NCIS, How I Met Your Mother, and Friends. Music, I listen to everything it seems like. But I tend to lean more towards country music, old and new.  

FOOOOODDDD!! And Hobbies!

FOOD! I love food. And I love to cook. I have a wonderful Betty Crocker cookbook from the 1970's that was my grandmothers that she gave to me . In this "Magic Cookbook" has everything that you can need to bake from scratch. And all the cakes and icing to go with them. My favorite ones to bake are the German Chocolate with the caramel coconut frosting, and the Banana Nut Cake. The German Chocolate cake is my dad's favorite and I make it every year now for his birthday. The Banana Nut Cake is the same recipe that my grandmother uses when she makes it for us at family functions. Not only can I bake, but I can cook as well. The two are different skill sets. 

Other hobbies I have include quilting. So far I have made 7 baby quilts for friends and 1 for my sister that is a bed size quilt. I find quilting relaxing, despite the precision that it is needed. The baby quilt all have been for close friends, and for family members. I have been told by a few friends that I should sell them. With that I enjoy making them for the people I know, and I honestly don't think that I am that good yet to sell them. Also I do not think that people will pay the cost of the quilt. My great-aunt shared with me that, "A quilt is a treasure. It is love put into a pattern and stitched together forever!".

This is my most recent quilt that I finished just before the fall semester started. It went to a good friend from high school, his wife, and their soon to be little girl. I sometimes feel like I am not a good friend because I am always, and I mean always, busy doing school work. I don't get to hangout or talk to them (and all my other close friends) as much as I would like to, but being able to make their littles a quilt with so much love. The quilt is them always being able to be wrapped in love, and yet they may not always know  me they will know that this Megan person will always love them. 

I must say that I did not use a pattern for this quilt. I ordered the fabric for the pinwheels off Blush Metallic 5" stacker, My Mind's Eye for Riley Blake Designs. Later (maybe after the class is finished) I will do another post on how I made this quilt. 

Edit: Since I had a few people love my most recent quilt I decided to post a few more pictures of other ones I have done. The Green triangles (pictures here unfinished) went to my youngest nephew, and the large Tetris looking one is my Sister's quilt. Her quilt I took to my friends aunt that used a long arm machine to quilt swirls and her name into it. The smaller baby quilts that I make I sew in the ditch on my machine. Would ya'll like for me to make a post of just my quilts I have made to look at?

More About Me!

So some more personal. I am 27 years old, single, and working full-time and going to school full-time. I love my friends and family. My little sister is one of my best friends. I have two nephews that I love more than anything, and their smiles can make my heart melt. Seeing their faces and them running to give me a hug makes me happier than chips and queso. They have shown me what true love is, and the thing is they are not even blood. I love to quilt, bake, and cook because I still see it as a way to express love to someone else without words. Yes, I know that is very 1950's-60's, but that's how I feel. At this moment I have no idea what I want to do with my degree, or my life after I graduate. 

I may come back and add/edit this at a later date, but for now I feel like this is plenty and I am starting to ramble. With that I am going to end this post here for the night. Hope that everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Hey Megan! It’s nice to meet you. You seem to be a pleasant and bubbly person so I can’t wait to read the story you end up telling in this class. When you talk about how your litter sister is one of your best friends, it really hit home for me. My little sister is my best friend and she recently went and joined the military. I miss her everyday and it warms my heart to hear about strong sister bonds like that. When it comes to quilting, that is one of the coolest things I’ve heard a person know how to do. I LOVE blankets and quilts and throws and just the culture around comfort cozy lifestylings. With the image you’ve attached and how you talk about quilting, you’ve already become one of the coolest people in this class to me.

    1. Hi Jasmine!
      Thank you, I really try to be positive but some days are hard. Yay for best friend little sisters, I feel like I need to protect her but most of the time she is protecting me. Congrats on your sister joining the military, what branch did she go into? I honestly feel like I sound like an old lady when I tell people that I like to quilt, bake, and cook. I hope to turn into the old lady that bakes for everyone, and not a grumpy old lady lol. I am working on a much larger Christmas quilt in between class and working hopefully I am able to post about it here :)

  2. Hi Megan! I think that your major sounds really interesting. I have never met anyone before majoring in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. I too think that it is really interesting to learn about what steps were taken to get to where we are today in regards to medicine and science. I love Grey’s Anatomy too! I am looking forward to the premier in September. I can’t believe that the show is going to be on Season 15! How to Get Away with Murder is another really good Shonda Rhimes show. Quilting sounds really cool! People that can make big crafts, like quilts, are very impressive in my eyes. It was nice reading about you and I look forward to reading more of your work throughout the semester!

    1. Hi Hannah!
      I honestly sort of stumbled across my major and fell in love with it. Growing up I never knew this was a possibility. Here at OU we have a great collection up on the 5th floor of the library, and a wonderful department of teachers as well. I took History of Science, Technology, and Medicine from the 17th century to the present with Professor Weldon and his class made me decide to change my major. AHH! GREYS ANATOMY!! I know I cant believe this will be the 15th season, I cannot wait for it to start.

  3. Hi Megan! First off, I love the look and style of the quilt you made! That is a really cool hobby! Also, definitely don't be ashamed about loving to do the things you love to do! I LOVE to cook and I appreciate your ability to put into words exactly what makes it so great. Cooking for the people you love is an exercise of compassion and appreciation, and it's always so great to be able to provide those who you care about with good things.
    Also, I have almost taken an HSCI class literally every semester I have been at OU and I keep not doing it for some reason. Do you have any particular recommendations or words of advice for when I inevitably take one?

    1. Some words of wisdom in looking for a History of Science class, it is such a broad topic that there is a niche for almost any genre (I feel like). A good starting point is always one of the introduction classes, they cover a range of topics in a given time period. The class that really sparked my interest was History of Science from Newton (17th century) to The Present with Professor Weldon. All of the teachers I have had are great. The books that we read in his class are some of my favorites now, and I eventually wanted to keep all of the books from the classes I have taken. I took a class with Professor Pandora, Gender Issues (I will have to look up the class number if you want it) but we looked at ads from the 50s-60s and how gender bias they were. From looking at them and what I already knew about cooking/baking (Home Ec. basically) that's how I came to that its a way to show love to someone without actually saying it.

  4. Hi, Megan! I have never heard of your major, so I've already learned something new from your blog! I am currently watching NCIS and am almost caught up on the series. How I Met Your Mother and Friends will always be two of my favorite shows as well. German chocolate cake is my dad's favorite too... his birthday is coming up in a couple months, so maybe I should try making him one!

    1. Hi Shea! If you need a good from scratch recipe I will be more than happy to share the one I use (frosting included) from my "Magic" Betty Crocker Cookbook that I have :)

  5. It is exciting to meet a History of Science major, Megan! When I first came to OU, that was a graduate program only, with a minor. I'm really glad that it's an undergraduate major now too. The faculty in that department are so fantastic, and the resources in the History of Science Collections are AMAZING (Kerry Magruder is one of my all-time OU heroes... if you want to work on a book from the Collections for your project in this class, I know he would be excited to help!). Maybe you will want to work on medical mythology for this class; as you can guess, medicine is a huge theme in folklore and mythology all over the world. You can even do a project where you are interning with Madame Pomfrey! And thank you for sharing that quilt picture: it is beautiful! I like to color mandalas, and sometimes I think about how nice they would look as a quilt... maybe someday I will learn how to do that! I have a quilt that came from my greatgrandmother, which I guess makes it a real familiy heirloom, and it is still absolutely beautiful. And warm too!

    1. The HSCI undergrad department is still very small (from what I can tell). And when I have other HSCI members in class we seem to stick together now. Yes our faculty in this department is wonderful (from what I have encountered). I love going up to the 5th floor in the tea room to work on homework, I think if I could do it in the stacks there I would. For quilting mandalas: I would look into paper piece quilting for that to get the smaller details. I personally have not done paper piecing, I seem to find good tutorials or patterns on pinterest when wanting to try something new! :)

  6. Hi Megan, that's a really cool major! I wanted to take a history of science and medicine class but it didn't apply to my degree :( If you like sciencey-history books, one of my favorite is called Survival of the Sickest by Sharon Moalem; its about the history of some diseases that impact us today and the leading theories about how they were actually beneficial to our ancestors - for example, theres a chapter about how diabetes may be a result of the ice age! Its a very interesting and was a quick read for me, only about 300 pages. I wish I could read more for fun too! But I guess my stack of books Im waiting to read will have to wait till the break between fall and spring semester.
    I love food - but I am terrible at cooking. That is so cool about the quilting! My grandma made me one when i was a child I still have, its something I would like to learn how to do but my main hobby is painting (but alas, like reading I have no time for it).
    On a final note - we have some similarities! I'm 24 and working full time and going to school time too. Best of luck in searching for your major! I changed mine so many times before I settled on microbiology.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that HSCI doesn't apply to your degree! Maybe can try to work a class in as an upper-division credit? I didn't settle into this as much as stumbled upon it and fell in love with this area of research. Yay! someone else understands my struggle of working and school both full-time. Survival of the Sickest does sound interesting! I will have to find it and bookmark it so I can read it at a later time (hopefully after I graduate in December YAY)

  7. Hi Megan! I love all things Disney and Harry Potter as well. And Once Upon A Time is one of my all time favorite shows, although it did get weird for me after so many of the original characters left. That's so cool that you quilt! I always wanted to learn & I started one, but I just didn't have the patience for it. I do love to cook though & I remember those old Betty Crocker cookbooks so very well! You have a very interesting major and I like how you describe that you came to like it. Just hearing it sounds boring, but the way you describe it makes it much more interesting. Oh and German chocolate is one of my favorite cakes of all time!

    1. yes I would agree just hearing the name of my major it sounds boring because its History. But glad I was able to describe it in a way to make it sound interesting. :) quilting does take a lot of patience, but I find it as a way to relax. kind of like meditating. Hope that you are having a good semester!

  8. Hey Megan! I found your introduction post to be very cool! Quilting seems like such a cool hobby to do, and the picture of the quilt you made is beautiful! I also love food, but don't like to actually cook it haha! I've tried to cook but everything I make turns out not too good. Also, your major seems super interesting. I've actually never heard of that type of major, but you seem super passionate about it! Nice to meet you!

    1. Hi Braley! Thank you for the comments on my quilts! it is a real passion that I had discovered a few years ago now. And those that like to cook need people to eat our creations so it is okay! Keep trying to cook, start simple then work your way up. Crockpot meals are a good start, just throw everything in and let it sit for a few hours. Hope that you are having a good semester!


  9. Oh my goodness! Quilting is such a relaxing pastime, and your fabric choices are beautiful :) I heartily agree with the statement that baking does not equal cooking. It's like comparing chemistry to free-styling in my mind, and I have never excelled in baking (but cooking is my jam). You remind me of Jon's grandmother in the Garfield comics - to feed someone is to love them - another statement I strongly agree with.

    The major you've chosen sounds ridiculously interesting; I thoroughly enjoyed the only History of Science course I took, and was very sad that my schedule as a Microbiology major didn't align to continue that area as an elective (wound up here instead though, so no complaints!).

    So nice to meet you, and can't wait to read more of your work!

    1. Do you quilt also?!?! I always get the feeling when I tell people that I quilt that I am an old grandma. Maybe just my soul is old? What class did you take in the History of Science? There is such a wide range of topics within this subject field. Maybe you will get to be able to take another History of Science class as an upper credit elective :) hope that you are having a great semester!

  10. Hi Megan! My name is Makenzi and I am a senior! I am a Public Relations major, so your major is a little different from mine. I have never heard of it before, but it sounds very interesting and pretty difficult! I'm glad you have found your passion in that. I too love the shows Friends and Grey's Anatomy. I can't believe Grey's is still going! I have recently started cooking a little more but can only really succeed at the basic recipes or meals. Hope you have a great semester!

    1. My major is difficult in that it is very time consuming. Lots of reading, and lots of papers to write. Which means there is little to no traditional exams just papers. Have you watch this season, 15, of Grey's yet? OMG! I wont give anything away in case you haven't yet. And starting at the basics for cooking is always a great start! As much as I feel as I am behind on everything I am still doing well in my classes somehow. Hope that you are having a great semester so far!

  11. Hi Megan!
    I love that you love to bake and cook! I am always wanting to try and cook new things. I think it is amazing that you have a cookbook from the 1970's! This summer I went and visited the Pioneer Women's restaurant and bought a cookbook from her store and I am in love with all the easy recipes in it. Good luck with this semester and finding out what you want to do with your major!

    1. That cookbook is one of my favorite possessions that I have, right along with my vintage pyrex bowls that I have. I seriously don't know what I would do if something was to happen to either of them. Mainly cause I know that they cannot be easily replaced. I actually have not tried any of the Pioneer Women's recipes yet. Which is your favorite? Hope that you are having a great semester!

  12. Hi Megan

    You are the first person i have heard that has a major in History of Science i never knew that there is a major that mixes science, technology, and medicine. I like some of the shows you listed as well although i gotta catch up on How to Get Away With Murder because i stopped watching after Wes got killed off haha. I like how your family was able to have a Betty Crocker cookbook still within the family i heard about some of the recipes in the book and how delicious they are. I hope you are having a great semester!

    1. History of Science is a very small group of people still, but it is growing! in my capstone that is combined with the junior seminar there is 13 of us. There are more in the graduate/masters program but I do not know the exact number. We have at least 4 copies on my dad's side of the family. I think one on my mom's side also, will have to double check that. The waffle recipe I know gets used a lot by my aunts and their grandchildren. Hope that you are having a great semester also!

  13. Hey Megan! I didn't even know that was a major at OU, it actually sounds really cool! Now I'm sitting here wondering what other different majors there might be around OU that I never would have guessed existed. I love those quilts, I can't even imagine how long they must take. I know I wouldn't have the patience myself to complete a project like that. We have an old one back home that I want to say my great-grandmother made for us, hopefully all your friends and family will treasure them like mine does!

    1. That is the census so far on my major. It is still a really small group I feel like. But we (here at OU) do have one of the largest collections within the History of Science. I tried timing one quilt I made for a Christmas present last year, a small one, a baby quilt. It is not pictured, but it took about 7.33 hours. give or take some. Use and cherish the quilt! I always worry that the quilts I make are just going to sit in a corner or a box and not be used and loved on. They can always be fixed or patched if something was to happen to the quilt. Hope that you are having a great semester!

  14. Hey Megan! Your quilts are so cool! I have never met someone who likes to make quilts, so that's really amazing. I totally get what you mean by cooking and baking being two different skill sets. I am an amazing baker. I like how exact everything is, and you can't poison someone for undercooking cookies (or it's really rare you do), you just have some warmed cookie dough. Cooking on the other hand is a painstaking task I have yet to conquer. I have never perfectly cooked chicken. I have screwed up making mac'n'cheese not once, not twice but THREE times. Honestly, I make the guy from Ratatouille look like a five-star chef! Hope you have a good semester!

    1. Hello Samikat! Thank you, it is still a relatively new passion that I have. I have yet to find someone my age, in person, who also likes to quilt. And I get a lot of weird looks from people when I tell them that I quilt. Haha I sort of love hearing about peoples failed attempts of cooking, but at least you can Bake! and we can still sneak poison into the creations, if we really wanted to ;) but they will not die from under-baking something though. Hope that you are having a great semester!

  15. Hello Megan,
    I don’t know where to start for there is so much about you on this page. You seem to be a very busy person which is OK. It is cool that you quilt. You are the first person in our generation that I have heard this from. I hate to admit this for it make me look less masculine, but I used to cross stitch while in high school for it was calming and relaxing. There is nothing wrong with you liking to cook and quilt, for if it is something you like screw what anyone else thinks. Also, there is nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do with your life after your degree for that a part of life. I am almost done with my degree in mathematics and I don’t know what I want to do with it. Life is an adventure and it can take you anywhere. Just go with the flow. For such a detailed intro I figured you deserved a detailed comment.

    1. I have never tried cross stitching before, one friend at work does it but she like to put cuss words or mean sayings in them. Which is actually quite funny. I love that you gave detailed comments, they are like talking to each other in person. I am actually really looking forward to being done with school just so I can do more quilts, like your cross stitching was quilting to me is calming and relaxing. When I do not have to rip a seam and re-sew it together that is.

  16. Hi Megan! Goodness, I am jealous of your hobbies! I have spent so much time trying to figure out what I like to do in my free time, but can never find something to be consistent at. Quilting is definitely not common, which make your ability to do it quite impressive! Much like you I also like the shows Friends and How I Met Your Mother in addition to Harry Potter and Disney Movies. My roommates and I have a seriously special place in our hearts for Hogwarts! I truly admire your dedication to exploring your interests, it is something I need to do myself!

    1. When I first started quilting I read a lot, and I mean a lot, on Pinterest and the articles I would find before I actually started doing it. I blame my major for the amount of research I did before starting and fell in love with quilting. Hint for starting a new hobby: start with a small project. That way if you don't love it you didn't invest much of your money yet into it. I started quilting before I decided to come back to school and finish my degree, so you have time still to find your new hobby! Also side note: YAY for Hogwarts! I am so excited that Crimes Against Grunewald is coming out next month! EEEKKK! What house are you in? Me, I am a proud Hufflepuff

  17. Hey Megan! I think your major is really unique because you'd never think history and science could go together so well. I also love Disney, Harry Potter, and chips and queso! I'm probably gonna get some chips and queso for dinner now that you mention it. I think it's really cool being able to quilt! I tried crocheting one time and it did not work well. It takes a lot of patience and vision to do that, good job!

    1. My Grandmother actually crochets and I have a good stack of blankets from over the years from her. I need to go get the rest of them from my parents house actually. Maybe try another stitch, a more simple one maybe? And yes I agree that they both take a lot of patience and vision to complete.

  18. Hey Megan!

    We have a lot of the same interests! I am watching Harry Potter as I type this and I love ALL of the shows you listed. I think that it is really fun.

    I think it is super impressive that you work and go to school full time. I only go to school and I am incredibly stressed out so I cannot imagine how busy you must be.

    I can't wait to read more of your work - It is really fun!

    1. Yay for Harry Potter! I am in need of a good Harry Potter movie weekend while I do homework, it is never ending! Awe thank you, and it is very stressful. I just do what I can and say f@#$ it to what I cannot finish. Helps with some of the stress at least. On days that I have class on campus and do not work after I stay on campus till 5-6ish just to do homework. Then I do not worry about it much after I get home unless it is reading a book or something like that. Hope that the rest of your semester goes smoothly. Do not stress to much, there are bigger things in life to stress about. And school is not one of them that I have found out lol :)

  19. Hey Megan! Sounds like you have a pretty interesting major! I am in a history of science class right now and it can be pretty tricky to understand so I respect that you do it all the time. Your quilts are pretty impressive! They look really large so that much take up so much time and dedication. I think I would get restless and just stop half way through. Good luck with the class and the quilting :)

    1. Hi Kaylee!
      What class are you taking in the History of Science? The quilts vary in sizes. I think the pink one is probably the smallest, the green one is about the size of a throw blanket you would buy at the store, the tetris looking one is the largest I have made. I made it for my sister that is 6'1-2" and she wanted it to be big enough that she can wrap herself in. We measured it by her laying on the floor beside it lol Hope the semester is going well and this last bit isn't to terrible for you in your HSCI class!

  20. Hi Megan,
    History of Science, Technology, and Medicine as a major sounds super cool, but based off of the one history class I've taken, I don't think I'd be able to survive all of the writing that's required. Cooking and baking are skills that I wish I had more time to develop, but it's great that you're good at both. I hope you have a great rest of your semester!

    1. Hey Cody!
      Yes, there is a lot of writing involved in my major. Didn't exactly knew it was going to be this much when I chose this as a major, but honestly it is not that bad. I will take a paper over an exam any day. Cooking and Baking each take practice honestly, I have had so many ideas that I want to try baking lately. Mainly just taking the traditional recipies that I have and see if they will taste the same gluten free. Maybe after this semester is over I will get plenty more time to try them out! Hope that the rest of your semester goes well also!

  21. Hi Megan,
    Your major sounds really interesting. I totally understand what you mean by not having enough time to read. I have been working on the same series for this whole semester and I cannot wait until the break when I have time to just relax. My dad's favorite cake is German Chocolate cake too, I personally can't deal with the coconut in it but I'd eat anything with chocolate. My little sister is my best friend too, even though she's 4 years younger than me. Your quilts are great! Do you have an Etsy account? Maybe you just want them to be personal gifts but they're really beautiful and I'd totally buy one.
    Have a great semester, and I look forward to reading more of your works.

    1. Hi Alona!
      No, sadly I do not have an Etsy account. Mainly because I am busy with school and work. I just finished a quilt top that has taken me a little over 3 months in everything. Also I am nervous that people will not want to pay the price I would charge for them. I priced one out last Christmas that was a gift for a cousin's little girl (not pictured above) but the price came out to about $117. And it was a simple quilt, so with that it makes me nervous to try and sell them. Hope that your semester is going well!

  22. Hey Megan!!

    Okay. Your quilts are out of this world and yes I need a page that is solely devoted to them! It must be super stressful working full time while also finishing up your degree, but it seems like you are a very capable and intelligent person so I have no doubts! I am super excited to read your stories this semester!

    1. Thank you! I will work on a page hopefully soon as the semester starts to wind down on a page for just them and about when I made them and for who. Most of the people I am related to or really good friends. And yes it is stressful, but I am almost done. Just got to make it to December 14th and then it will be all done :)

  23. Hi Megan,

    I noticed that you said you had a hobby of quilting, and it made me wonder if you had ever tried crotchet yourself? I also saw above in the comments that you said your grandmother does it, but wasn't sure about you. My mom used to do it quite often as a hobby, and only recently stopped doing it so much, but still from time to time! Anyway, nice meeting you!

    1. Quilting is starting to become more than just a little hobby for me I feel like, almost an obsession. And no, I have no tried crocheting. But my sister is soon to start so I feel like I will pick up some form her. I think that I have 3 afghans that my grandma made, two was for me and one was my great-grandfathers that she made for him. I need to get my two from my parents house, but at the same time I know that they are safe there.


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