Myths and Legends of the Great Plains Unit
Story Source: Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katherine Berry Judson (1913)
Image: found here scene from Disney's Pocahontas 1995. John Smith tells Pocahontas they are looking for gold and she hands him corn. (now the song Colors of the Wind is Stuck in my head)
Legend of the Corn Arikara notes
- Arikara was the first to find the maize
- young man went out hunting saw buffalo in a valley near where 2 rivers joined
- banks of the rivers were low and had many trees
- young man waited for the buffalo to move so he could kill him
- hunter stayed awake nearly all night, with little food
- hunter waited again the next day for the buffalo to move
- the buffalo changing directions everyday north, east, south, and west
- the last night/morning the buffalo had dissapeared in its place was a strange bush
- no tracks of the buffalo leaving
- the hunter hurried home to tell his chiefs of the strange buffalo and plant
- Wahkoda had given this strange plant to the people, they guarded it and protected it
- a flower appeared on the plant, one of the joints a new part of the plant pushed out
- it had hair, first green then brown
- they did not touch it
- another brave young man with a poor life was not afraid of the evil that may come from touchng the plant
- he grabbed the fruit, it was solid. he pulled apart the hushk and it was red
- he ate some of the grains and did not die
- Wahkoda sent the plant as food for them
- in the fall the leaves of this plant turned brown along with the grass.
- after winter the kernels were divided among each family
- they planted them in mounds like they had seen from which it gre
- many colors: red, yellow, white, and blue
- next year there were many plants and ears of corn
- they sent it to other tribes, and ivited them to visit to taste the new food
- Thus the Omahas came to have corn.
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