While being a functioning adult, I still love fairytales. As in I will play a Disney movie just about every night when I am falling asleep. My go to movies will always be Disney, either the classic animated ones or the live action remakes. Cinderella of course is my all time favorite, with a close second with Beauty and Beast, and the Little Mermaid. For this assignment we had to look at online storybooks and of course I was drawn to the fairytales.
Magical Mermaid Tales
(above link)
This version of the Little Mermaid is different from the one I watch and knew all the words to while I was growing up. I know that Disney changes the stories to make them their own and always (just about) have a happy ending. This story is about a girl watching the story take place inside a conch shell. Much similar to the Disney version. The page also uses alternative images based on the Disney movie, the mermaid has bright red hair. In the ending of this story it is not a happy ending, but the mermaid gives up her life for the man that she loves instead of killing him so she can live. On this page it also tells two other mermaid stories from the conch shell. The shell is more of a projector for the stories being told to Estelle.

(image is taken from the link provided above to the storybook)
The layout of this page is good. The stories start out happy (-ish), then slowly start to become darker and darker in themes with the mermaids. I say darker in darker in the sense of they have more magical abilities, and then finally luring a human to his death. I think that the titles of each of the stories from the conch shell are appropriate in with the theme of that particular story. Starting with the familiar one then progressing to the vengeance of the mermaid.
The Darling Tales of Wendy
(link above)
This page, as you can figure out from the title, is about Wendy Darling from the fairytale Peter Pan. It is arranged in letter corresponds with her younger brother Michael. She is trying to have him remember being a child and going on adventures with Peter Pan. Michael is worried about his now child talking about nonsense and telling stories about flying, mermaids, and pirates. The pages from this storyboard go back and forth between Michael and Wendy each worried about the other on the topic of dreams, stories, and what happened while they were in Neverland.
In the end Wendy sends a letter to her other brother John, asking if he remembers the stories from when they were little and ask if he remember Peter Pan.

(Image Information: Peter Pan (1954 musical) by Wikipedia. From the link above)
The Stolen Princess
(link above)
On the home page of this storybook the author points out that this is for a class. I somewhat think this is important so that the reader knows this information.
Also all the images are only at the top of the page underneath the title, where as the other two pages had them text wrapped (the images with-in the text). This story is about fairies, and a princess who grew up in the human world onl to find out later that she is a fairy.
(from the link above to the storybook for the stolen princess)
Yes, I do think that the introduction does a good job in setting up the stories overall from the ones I have chosen. They are each their own piece in setting up the stories being told on the following pages from each of the three links. I fel like the background of each webpage is appropriate for the stories being told. the page about Wendy resembles a desk, Mermaids the beach, and stolen princess the images are somewhat magical. I also like the author notes on each of the webpages on how they used the stories and how they adapted them to tell their version of it.
While being a functioning adult, I still love fairytales. As in I will play a Disney movie just about every night when I am falling asleep. My go to movies will always be Disney, either the classic animated ones or the live action remakes. Cinderella of course is my all time favorite, with a close second with Beauty and Beast, and the Little Mermaid. For this assignment we had to look at online storybooks and of course I was drawn to the fairytales.
Magical Mermaid Tales
(above link)
This version of the Little Mermaid is different from the one I watch and knew all the words to while I was growing up. I know that Disney changes the stories to make them their own and always (just about) have a happy ending. This story is about a girl watching the story take place inside a conch shell. Much similar to the Disney version. The page also uses alternative images based on the Disney movie, the mermaid has bright red hair. In the ending of this story it is not a happy ending, but the mermaid gives up her life for the man that she loves instead of killing him so she can live. On this page it also tells two other mermaid stories from the conch shell. The shell is more of a projector for the stories being told to Estelle.

(image is taken from the link provided above to the storybook)
The layout of this page is good. The stories start out happy (-ish), then slowly start to become darker and darker in themes with the mermaids. I say darker in darker in the sense of they have more magical abilities, and then finally luring a human to his death. I think that the titles of each of the stories from the conch shell are appropriate in with the theme of that particular story. Starting with the familiar one then progressing to the vengeance of the mermaid.
The Darling Tales of Wendy
(link above)
This page, as you can figure out from the title, is about Wendy Darling from the fairytale Peter Pan. It is arranged in letter corresponds with her younger brother Michael. She is trying to have him remember being a child and going on adventures with Peter Pan. Michael is worried about his now child talking about nonsense and telling stories about flying, mermaids, and pirates. The pages from this storyboard go back and forth between Michael and Wendy each worried about the other on the topic of dreams, stories, and what happened while they were in Neverland.
In the end Wendy sends a letter to her other brother John, asking if he remembers the stories from when they were little and ask if he remember Peter Pan.
(Image Information: Peter Pan (1954 musical) by Wikipedia. From the link above)
The Stolen Princess
(link above)
On the home page of this storybook the author points out that this is for a class. I somewhat think this is important so that the reader knows this information.
Also all the images are only at the top of the page underneath the title, where as the other two pages had them text wrapped (the images with-in the text). This story is about fairies, and a princess who grew up in the human world onl to find out later that she is a fairy.
Yes, I do think that the introduction does a good job in setting up the stories overall from the ones I have chosen. They are each their own piece in setting up the stories being told on the following pages from each of the three links. I fel like the background of each webpage is appropriate for the stories being told. the page about Wendy resembles a desk, Mermaids the beach, and stolen princess the images are somewhat magical. I also like the author notes on each of the webpages on how they used the stories and how they adapted them to tell their version of it.
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