In the beginning there was nothing, until our creator had brought them to be. He created the heavens, the earth, all its plant and creatures before creating man in his image. The place where all thing had begun was in the Garden of Eden. Here in the Garden of Eden there was every animal and plant that had ever been, including a tree of knowledge that had power to make who ate the fruit it bare to know all thing good and evil.
When our creator created man he made him in His image. Man did not start out as a child, but a man of 20 years of age. He could reach from the heavens to the earth, and from the west to the east. Our Creator breathed life into him through his nostrils, and before he awoke he was filled with memories of the history of mankind. Each generation and their leaders, prophets, teachers, scholars, statesmen, judges, pious members, average and common place members, and impious members. We do not know why our Creator did this. When the first man awoke our Creator asked him "What is your name?" The man responded with "Adam, because my Creators name is Adamion and I was made in your image."
Our Creator showed Adam around his home in the Garden of Eden. Adam named all of the animals that cam before them, as if our Creator had named them. He showed Adam the four great rivers that nourished the Garden and the Earth. Finally they came to the center of the garden to the tree of knowledge, our Creator said to Adam. "I have provided all of this for you to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. But do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. If you do, will surely die that day." Adam agreed.
A few days had past and Adam became lonely for someone who looked like him. He turned to our creator and asked for a helpmate in taking care of the garden. So our Creator created woman for a helpmate, she was made the same as Adam from the dust of the garden as all things had been made. Out Creator named her Lillith. Eventually she did not make a good wife for Adam for she wanted equality with her husband, she eventually left him in search of this. Adam went to our Creator to ask why she had left, He sent out three angels to find her and bring her home. When she was found she refused to come back, and she would rather take the punishment of losing 100 of her demon children daily by death than return.
Adam asked our Creator again for a helpmate. This time He put Adam to sleep so he would not know where she came from. Once Adam was in a deep, deep sleep He took one of Adam's ribs, and closed up the flesh as if it was never opened. From this rib woman was made. When Adam awoke and our Creator told him that he used one of his ribs to create her Adam said, "She is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother he shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Because Adam had lost a rib to make Eve, he asked her to be his wife. They had a lavish wedding with no other to compare, our Creator had made 10 bridal chambers for the newly weds all made of gold, pearls, and precious stones all found in the garden of Eden and earth.
Out of all the animals in the garden of Eden the serpent was the most cunning, cleaver, and most resembled that of man. Like man he stood on two feet and was as tall as a camel. Because of he had a gift of being clever he found a way to trick Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. He knew that Adam had told Eve not to touch the tree or she will die, he did not day it was by eating the fruit alone that would cause their death. The serpent first pushed Eve into the tree to show that just touching it will not cause death. He convinces her to pluck the fruit from the tree, doing so first to show that she will not die. Eve beings to think everything that her husband has told her is a lie. To clear her conscious some she first eats just the skin of the fruit, she does not die. Then she takes a bite of the sweet and savory fruit, but does not die.
Eve then takes the fruit to her husband and ask him to take a bite. Adam does not knowing where the fruit has came from, when he opens his eyes he realizes that they are both naked. Adam scurries to make a covering out of the leaves but none of the trees would let him have any of their leaves. He makes his way to the tree of knowledge and it lets him have leaves to make a covering because it was the tree that bear the forbidden fruit that they was not suppose to eat.
When our creator created man he made him in His image. Man did not start out as a child, but a man of 20 years of age. He could reach from the heavens to the earth, and from the west to the east. Our Creator breathed life into him through his nostrils, and before he awoke he was filled with memories of the history of mankind. Each generation and their leaders, prophets, teachers, scholars, statesmen, judges, pious members, average and common place members, and impious members. We do not know why our Creator did this. When the first man awoke our Creator asked him "What is your name?" The man responded with "Adam, because my Creators name is Adamion and I was made in your image."
Creation of Adam by Peter Brueghel the Younger |
Our Creator showed Adam around his home in the Garden of Eden. Adam named all of the animals that cam before them, as if our Creator had named them. He showed Adam the four great rivers that nourished the Garden and the Earth. Finally they came to the center of the garden to the tree of knowledge, our Creator said to Adam. "I have provided all of this for you to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. But do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. If you do, will surely die that day." Adam agreed.
A few days had past and Adam became lonely for someone who looked like him. He turned to our creator and asked for a helpmate in taking care of the garden. So our Creator created woman for a helpmate, she was made the same as Adam from the dust of the garden as all things had been made. Out Creator named her Lillith. Eventually she did not make a good wife for Adam for she wanted equality with her husband, she eventually left him in search of this. Adam went to our Creator to ask why she had left, He sent out three angels to find her and bring her home. When she was found she refused to come back, and she would rather take the punishment of losing 100 of her demon children daily by death than return.
Adam asked our Creator again for a helpmate. This time He put Adam to sleep so he would not know where she came from. Once Adam was in a deep, deep sleep He took one of Adam's ribs, and closed up the flesh as if it was never opened. From this rib woman was made. When Adam awoke and our Creator told him that he used one of his ribs to create her Adam said, "She is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother he shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Because Adam had lost a rib to make Eve, he asked her to be his wife. They had a lavish wedding with no other to compare, our Creator had made 10 bridal chambers for the newly weds all made of gold, pearls, and precious stones all found in the garden of Eden and earth.
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Adam and Eve committing the original sin |
Out of all the animals in the garden of Eden the serpent was the most cunning, cleaver, and most resembled that of man. Like man he stood on two feet and was as tall as a camel. Because of he had a gift of being clever he found a way to trick Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. He knew that Adam had told Eve not to touch the tree or she will die, he did not day it was by eating the fruit alone that would cause their death. The serpent first pushed Eve into the tree to show that just touching it will not cause death. He convinces her to pluck the fruit from the tree, doing so first to show that she will not die. Eve beings to think everything that her husband has told her is a lie. To clear her conscious some she first eats just the skin of the fruit, she does not die. Then she takes a bite of the sweet and savory fruit, but does not die.
Eve then takes the fruit to her husband and ask him to take a bite. Adam does not knowing where the fruit has came from, when he opens his eyes he realizes that they are both naked. Adam scurries to make a covering out of the leaves but none of the trees would let him have any of their leaves. He makes his way to the tree of knowledge and it lets him have leaves to make a covering because it was the tree that bear the forbidden fruit that they was not suppose to eat.
Authors Note:
I took bits and pieces from the un-textbook: Adam and Eve unit but made them into one cohesive beginning of a story, up until they ate the forbidden fruit. I decided to use the term Creator instead of God because it seemed more fitting since He is the creator of all things. Yet this is a biblical story the term God (to me in retelling this story) seemed to strict in the way of retelling the story. The term Creator to me could be used for a wider variety of backgrounds to understand this story. I retold this biblical story from my notes that I had taken (which was a lot). I left some out because there was so many and because they had not quite fit yet into the story I was telling.
Images: Adam and Eve committing the original sin
Creation of Adam by Peter Brueghel the Younger
Hey Megan! I loved the way you told this story. It was very informative and allowed the reader to understand each scene of the story. I also liked how you took parts from the original story as well as adding in some of your own ideas. Your own ideas gave it that extra twist that makes it that more interesting!
ReplyDeleteHi Megan! I too am interested in more biblical stories so I enjoyed reading yours. I thought they way you retold it and rephrased things was really interesting! Since it is a little different than the original, that made me want to keep reading because I was curious what would be different or not.
ReplyDeleteHi Megan! I liked how your story included different parts of the story of Adam and Eve. The story of them eating the fruit is very popular, but the other details of their story usually aren't told. At the beginning of the story when you say the Creator gives Adam the knowledge of the history of mankind, do you mean what will happen in the future? I was a little confused here since there was no history of mankind yet.
ReplyDeleteHey Megan. I like that you added the part of the woman leaving Adam and there was another one created for him. It shows different stories and makes yours unique in a way. There was some spelling errors but besides that I really enjoyed it and I feel like making a story about the creation of man can be hard but you did a really good job.