A Fixed Mindset
This one makes me think of my nephews, and other tiny humans that are in my life. We always seem to praise them and saying, "Oh, you're so smart." "You're so beautiful/handsome." etc. and according to this article it could help lead to a fixed mindset and make them brittle or fragile humans. The author also uses quotes of everybody wins and everyone gets a trophy, I disagree with these two statements because I know this is not how life works. And that we need to teach our kids again this so they do not become entitled adults and do not know how to work or earn anything in their lives. In one of the sections it talks about our mindsets holding us back at work. At the pharmacy that I work at there is always something changing it seems like. I know that I am not a fan of change when what we have is already working, for the most part in my mind. With that being said not everyone at work thinks and works like I do and therefor there needs to be some change. Overall we are able to change the way we think with time and effort. We can look at our mistakes and ask ourselves what could we have done differently if this would have happen right now instead of in the past.
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http://growthmindsetmemes.blogspot.com/2015/08/english-real-learning-takes-work.html |
Rejection Hurts
This topic alone hit kind of close to home, because everything may look fine from the outside but I am constantly thinking that I am not "good enough". I think that this is the first time I am actually writing this thought down also. I have said it to a few people when I am already feeling low about myself for some other reason. While reading this article I saw this quote:
"We call ourselves names, lament our shortcomings, and feel disgusted with ourselves."
When we are feeling low already instead of licking our wounds and pulling ourselves together we add more to the damage already done. Inside I am screaming "I know exactly what you are talking about!!" as I am reading. I know when I am already down it is really, really hard to see the good things about myself. In the article there is a section labeled "Revive Your Self-Worth" and it says to make a list of five qualities that you have that are meaningful. Then from this list to write a paragraph or two about why this quality matters to others. For me to get past this funk I find myself surrounding myself with people that make me happy, cooking a couple home cooked meals, and even doing a few crafts or working on a quilt until I am out of it. Most of the time I think mine is caused by stress from school and work, which causes me to not being able to do the things that I enjoy doing.
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http://growthmindsetmemes.blogspot.com/2016/04/english-we-all-struggle.html |
When you look back over your many years as a student, what are the most productive feedback experiences you can remember? Looking back I think that the most productive feedback I have received is the ones where I was able to fix my mistakes.
The most negative? On the contrary to the previous answer is when I do not get the grade that I was expecting and I am never given the chance to fix the mistake or given a reason as to why I got the grade that I did.
Think about learning beyond school too: what kinds of feedback have helped you to grow as a learner at work? in your sports and hobbies? Oh work, I have a really hard time hearing customers in the drive-through due to background noise from cars, wind, and people just not talking into the speaker loud enough to where I can hear them. This creates a LARGE amount of frustration on the patients and my end, so when I ask/tell them what I would like for them to do for me to better hear them they take my "tone" as being rude then call and complain therefore I get in trouble. This has happened a couple of times and I am now to the point where I have given up caring for work it seems like.
In other aspects of your life? In my hobby of quilting I like to post the finish project just to show other people. These projects I get the most likes and comments on, and it feels good. It feels good to get that positive feedback from friends and family members. It feels good that other people appreciate the work I have done, and not just the receivers of the quilts. Even though I secretly worry that the quilts I have made will not be used.
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growthmindsetmemes.blogspot.com/ |
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